Power & utilities
Power and utilities are no stranger to perpetual disruption. Both face supply and demand challenges, infrastructure modernization obstacles, and the ever-growing expectation to adapt to the challenges presented by the climate crisis.
Why it Matters
Tackle change head-on.
Technology and change management play a crucial role in enabling the power and utilities industries to prosper under increasing public scrutiny, geo-political uncertainty, and disruptive climate events.
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Climate change
Whether it’s floods and droughts in the water industry or the focus for power to transition to a low carbon future, there’s no denying that organizations in this arena must adapt and innovate to future-proof their operations.
is the forecasted growth of renewables in the global power generation mix from 2022 to 2025.
Aging infrastructure
As populations grow and existing infrastructure is put under increased pressure, innovative modernization is required in a way that doesn’t cause major disruption or high costs.
The World Bank estimates the cost of water lost before reaching the consumer at approximately $14 billion per year.
£96 billion investment is planned to upgrade UK water infrastructure from 2025-2030.
350 million people worldwide experienced major power outages in 2021.
Customer satisfaction & retention
In areas where power and utilities are commoditized, there is a need to stay competitive by offering customer value, such as empowering users to understand and control their energy usage. Even where there may be a monopoly, it is imperative to keep consumers happy and meet regulations as the right to operate may be revoked.

Whitepaper: Open Data & Energy
Read our latest insights on the importance of Open Data within the Energy market and how Energy companies can incorporate Open Data within their organisation.
Our Approach
Deep sector expertise.
We believe power and utilities organizations should utilize the wealth of data at their fingertips in a way that demonstrates clear return on investment to stakeholders and customers. This could look like transforming data to embed scope to reporting into day-to-day operations, gaining access to real-time data to improve supply and demand challenges, or creating innovative apps based on open data.
How We Can Help
Experience the difference.
We use our power and utilities experience, combined with our deep technological expertise, to create truly unique solutions. There is no one-size-fits-all approach, so once we get involved, we truly become partners in a shared endeavor. Hear from our clients about how it feels to partner with us.
At Credera, one of our core values is being people first, which is core to the goals of power and utilities organizations. We are a global boutique, meaning we can scale globally while maintaining the boutique, nimble feel you get from specialist consultancies.
See how we helped a leading integrated power company modernize its digital services.
Discover how a global energy company achieved a 50% reduction in its digital carbon profile.
To me, the Credera difference is the consistent delivery of quality in a manner that partners with my team. We absolutely wouldn’t be where we are without them.
Kim Hales
Senior Vice President of IT, NRG
Our Experts
We’re available to talk—and here to help.
At Credera, we’re only as good as our people, and we bring a highly skilled and diverse set of experts together for the benefit of our clients.

Marc Horsley

Craig Rollason
Managing Consultant
Explore our offerings.
We develop robust solutions for organizations across the power and utilities industry to help them address their toughest challenges.
Data analytics
Data analysis provides the foundation for informed decision-making, innovation, problem-solving, and efficiency.
MarTech strategy
As customer expectations evolve, so does technology. Your strategy should be flexible enough to support future needs without costly rework.
Business transformation
Achieving strategic goals and transformational change by aligning people, processes, and technology is critical for execution and is key to unlocking extraordinary value.
Cloud migration & app modernization
Reimagine applications and ways of working in a cloud landscape and accelerate their modernization.
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