
Power & utilities

Power and utilities are no stranger to perpetual disruption. Both face supply and demand challenges, infrastructure modernization obstacles, and the ever-growing expectation to adapt to the challenges presented by the climate crisis. 


Why it Matters

Tackle change head-on.​

Technology and change management play a crucial role in enabling the power and utilities industries to prosper under increasing public scrutiny, geo-political uncertainty, and disruptive climate events. ​

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Climate change​

Whether it’s floods and droughts in the water industry or the focus for power to transition to a low carbon future, there’s no denying that organizations in this arena must adapt and innovate to future-proof their operations. ​

29% to 35%  

is the forecasted growth of renewables in the global power generation mix from 2022 to 2025.  

Aging infrastructure​

As populations grow and existing infrastructure is put under increased pressure, innovative modernization is required in a way that doesn’t cause major disruption or high costs.

  • The World Bank estimates the cost of water lost before reaching the consumer at approximately $14 billion per year.​

  • £96 billion investment is planned to upgrade UK water infrastructure from 2025-2030.​

  • 350 million people worldwide experienced major power outages in 2021.​

Customer satisfaction & retention​

In areas where power and utilities are commoditized, there is a need to stay competitive by offering customer value, such as empowering users to understand and control their energy usage. Even where there may be a monopoly, it is imperative to keep consumers happy and meet regulations as the right to operate may be revoked. ​

How We Can Help

Experience the difference.

We use our power and utilities experience, combined with our deep technological expertise, to create truly unique solutions. There is no one-size-fits-all approach, so once we get involved, we truly become partners in a shared endeavor. Hear from our clients about how it feels to partner with us. ​

At Credera, one of our core values is being people first, which is core to the goals of power and utilities organizations. We are a global boutique, meaning we can scale globally while maintaining the boutique, nimble feel you get from specialist consultancies. ​

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To me, the Credera difference is the consistent delivery of quality in a manner that partners with my team. We absolutely wouldn’t be where we are without them.​

Kim Hales​

Senior Vice President of IT, NRG​

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Our Experts

We’re available to talk—and here to help. 

At Credera, we’re only as good as our people, and we bring a highly skilled and diverse set of experts together for the benefit of our clients.​

Marc Horsley
Marc Horsley



Craig Rollason
Craig Rollason

Managing Consultant


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