

EmployBridge optimizes staffing processes.

EmployBridge and Credera partner to optimize staffing processes.

At a Glance

EmployBridge, a national leader in staffing and workforce solutions, sought to optimize their online staffing application system across all of their brands and create a new dashboard for support staff to more efficiently move applicants through the application process. Credera provided development and project management expertise to define, develop, test, and execute a new dashboard and online application experiences. ​

The Challenge

Creating better systems.

EmployBridge, a staffing services company with a long history of working with Credera,  sought to optimize their online staffing application system across all of their brands and create a new dashboard their support staff could use to help get applicants through the application process and onto an assignment more efficiently. ​

Credera provided development and project management expertise to define, develop, test, and execute the new dashboard and online application experiences. ​

The Solution

Crafting a winning strategy.

  • Designed and documented the requirements for both the online application process and support dashboard systems to meet EmployBridge’s needs​.

  • Coordinated with and supplemented EmployBridge quality assurance teams to test all products​.

  • Communicated with key client stakeholders through steering committee meetings and daily scrum​.

  • Demonstrated new functionality to EmployBridge users and iterated design based on feedback​.

  • Provided development teams that successfully delivered the final tools according to the business needs​.

The Results

Improved conversion and reduced inefficiencies.

Reduced Process Inefficiencies​ - Refined support dashboard to reduce time needed to get an applicant from the online application to staffed in a new role​.

Increased Employee on Assignment Rate ​- Achieved main business goal of significantly increasing the number of applicants on assignment.

Increased Online Application Conversion Rate​ - Envisioned and delivered optimizations to online application portal, which improved overall conversion rate for web-based and mobile-based applicants within EmployBridge’s brands​.

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