

Mar 22, 2024

Leveraging generative AI to deliver personalization at scale

Jay Proulx

Jay Proulx

Leveraging generative AI to deliver personalization at scale

The creative content landscape is experiencing a tectonic transformation. Demand for content to drive personalization is skyrocketing, but budgets are hardly keeping pace, and efficiency is critical.

Omnicom’s Intelligent Content Engine is an agile, collaborative solution to this business challenge, helping marketers and creatives optimize hyper-personalized campaigns and better manage workflows and assets.

Powered by Adobe, Intelligent Content Engine combines Omnicom’s creative and technical methodologies with its data-fueled, AI-driven innovation, Omni, to unlock new areas of growth. Leveraging world-class creative processes and generative AI to produce content at scale, Intelligent Content Engine orchestrates a seamless workflow from concept to multi-channel execution.

Here’s how.

Collaboration. Integration. Synchronization.

At the heart of the solution is Content Factory, Omnicom’s forward-looking evolution of Adobe’s Content Supply Chain, which allows organizations to effectively collaborate across departments, streamlining processes and reducing manual effort.

Intelligent Content Engine integrates Adobe Workfront with Adobe Creative Cloud, Adobe Experience Manager, and Adobe Experience Platform, enabling all teams involved in content planning, production, and delivery to work better together. This synchronization, combined with generative AI capabilities provided by Adobe Firefly and Adobe Sensei, accelerates content through all channels, from paid to owned.

Creation. Personalization. Variation.

ArtBot, Omnicom’s premier marketing content-generation framework, leverages dynamic decisioning on audience variants to empower organizations to meet the massive demand for personalized content.

Based on the concept of creative engineering, ArtBot connects all the touchpoints of a brand around the customer for a truly seamless experience. It delivers deeply personalized content that looks totally bespoke at scale, brought to market in a fraction of the time.

Orchestration. Segmentation. Optimization.

Bringing the future to life today is Omni, Omnicom’s proprietary AI-driven orchestration solution that serves as the source of truth for audience data. It enhances an organization’s first-party data, housed in Adobe Experience Platform, with insights gleaned from Omni’s neuro-testing and third-party data to intelligently drive micro-segmentation and hyper-personalization.

Omni also facilitates the cross-pollination of data points and a universal taxonomy to inform our end-to-end “demand creative” strategies and fuel optimization cycles.

The bottom line

Whether you’re far along the content-generation maturity curve or need to start by breaking down silos, this agile, collaborative solution lets you guide customers seamlessly from awareness to advocacy.

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