Central government
We partner with central government departments to leverage data and deliver better services to the public.
Why it Matters
Prioritize digital transformation initiatives that impact public services.
Central government departments, such as the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP), have access to vast quantities of data collected over the last 75 years. Mobilizing this to better inform and personalize the services delivered to citizens with true empathy is a core focus for most digital transformation projects prioritized by our clients.
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Data strategy
We design data strategies that help government departments unlock insights from their data, from initial cleansing of legacy datasets to the introduction of automation and digital tools that enable smart data collection. The goal is always to improve the services citizens receive.
of operating costs we saved for a UK government department.
Automation and AI
Awareness of which artificial intelligence (AI) offerings are best suited to improving public services is a rapidly evolving and complex decision, as the moral impact of AI in relation to citizen data and data protection ranks highly when considering technology investments.
Develop clear and compelling strategies supporting HM Treasury.
Implement solutions that address acute needs, such as reducing National Health Service (NHS) waiting lists with telehealth tools.
Inform population health management by connecting wearable technology with automation tools.
Digital transformation
Viewing digital transformation agenda goals through an empathetic and strategic lens helps to prioritize actions amid complex projects often spanning years. Departments are always being asked to do more with less, bringing transformation investments under increased scrutiny.

How can the public sector use AI effectively? Part 1
We look at clearing up some of the myths surrounding AI and how the public sector could be using it to improve their working practices.
Our Approach
Strategic focus on digital advancement to best support citizens needs.
We have delivered digital transformation across government departments for over 20 years and focus on helping to fix some of the sector’s toughest challenges. Key to future success is ensuring integration across projects to build data platforms that interface alongside legacy information and enable emerging technologies.
How We Can Help
Experience the difference.
At Credera, one of our core values is integrity. We seek honesty and consistency with what we say and we choose to partner with like-minded organizations. For example, cloud-first is a popular modernization strategy, but high image retrieval costs mean we may advise a mix of cloud and traditional on-premises data hosting to be more appropriate.
We call this approach the Credera Difference, and we invite you to hear directly from some of our clients about their experiences working with us. We do the right thing, even when no one is watching, to ensure we provide empathetic, vendor-agnostic public sector consultancy when leaders need honest advice to inform tough decisions.
See how Credera and a large government agency build a first-of-its-kind modern technology to enable precision marketing in a complex and highly secure cloud environment.
Explore how Credera and the UK Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) work together to deliver a 70% reduction in operating costs.
There is a huge cost saving to the NHS; £75 million annually will be saved because of the HSCN programme. We have integrated very well with our migration partner to make these savings a reality for UK taxpayers.
Anna Hawksley
Programme Manager, HSCN
Our Experts
We’re available to talk—and here to help.
At Credera, we’re only as good as our people, and we bring a highly skilled and diverse set of experts together for the benefit of our clients.

Vassilis Serafeimidis
Managing Director, Head of Public Sector

Samantha Squires
Managing Director
Newcastle upon Tyne
Ewan Miller
Chief Client Officer, UK
Newcastle upon Tyne
Ross McConachie
Managing Director
Explore our offerings for central government departments.
Some of our biggest and longest standing relationships are centered in the public sector. The following are useful services for public sector clients to explore:
Operational excellence
Do more with less through operational excellence that drives continuous improvement and alignment of people, processes, and technology.
Business transformation
Achieving strategic goals and transformational change by aligning people, processes, and technology is critical for execution and is key to unlocking extraordinary value.
Data analytics
Data analysis provides the foundation for informed decision-making, innovation, problem-solving, and efficiency.
Cloud advisory
Align cloud investments with business needs, innovate, and enable business growth with cloud.
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