
DOE National Laboratory

Improving diversity, equity, and inclusion cultures through assessments.

The Department of Energy National Laboratories engaged Credera to help create a more diverse, equitable, and inclusive culture.

At a Glance

Department of Energy (DOE) National Laboratories wanted to develop a roadmap to mature their multiple employee resource groups (ERGs) and diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) councils. Credera was asked to come in and conduct a current state assessment of the client’s ERGs and DEI councils, defining their ideal future state, and delivering a tangible action plan.

The Challenge

Defining an actionable DE&I plan.

The newly appointed DEI manager at DOE National Laboratories recognized the need to gain insight and guidance from subject matter experts to develop a roadmap to drive their multiple ERGs and DEI councils forward. Multiple third-party assessments had been conducted previously, but they left the Lab without a clear plan to execute. The Lab lacked alignment between their ERGs and DEI councils and upper Lab leadership.

The Solution

Assessing current state and identifying gaps.

Credera conducted a current state assessment spanning discovery sessions, stakeholder interviews, a maturity survey, and a documentation review. With an understanding of the current state, we then identified six gap areas that tracked to success factors in the maturity framework, generated use cases to close the gaps, and prioritized each based on impact and effort. Lastly, we developed an implementation plan phasing prioritized use cases with a now/next/future framework. 

The Results

An action plan for growth.

Through the assessment, Credera identified 15 “now” use cases that the Lab could enact within the following three months, with “next” and “future” plans following over the next six to 12 months and beyond. We also educated the Lab on DEI and ERG best practices with a focus on operational performance and secured DEI leadership and executive buy-in for the proposed implementation plan.

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