Mar 20, 2023
Technically Minded | Data vs. Marketing: Who should control the view of the customer?

Credera is excited to announce the release of our latest podcast: "Data vs. Marketing: Who should control the view of the customer?"
This podcast, which is available on iTunes, Spotify, Google, and Anchor FM, brings together some of the brightest sparks in technology and transformation consulting to wax lyrical on current trends and challenges facing organizations today.
On This Episode
The importance of being in touch with customers, to the extent that actions are predicted and communications are tailored, is more necessary than ever. With this being the case, who in the organization should have responsibility over customer data?
In this episode, we’re joined by brothers Mike Queenan, CEO and co-founder of Nephos Technologies, and Rob Queenan, Managing Consultant at Credera UK, for the big Data vs. Marketing data ownership debate.
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