At Credera, we believe we’re truly better together. The Roster is a monthly series that allows you to get to know leaders at all levels across the firm.

Vikalp Jain
Dallas, TX
Favorite App: Calm, it’s the best app I’ve found for meditation and mindfulness.
Now Playing: I’ve been hooked on Father Brown for the last several months.
Favorite Books: Confessions of a Street Addict by Jim Cramer and My India by Jim Corbett
Passion Outside of Work: Traveling. My personal goal is to visit all 58 national parks with my family.
Office Music Playlist: Mozart Piano Sonatas
Favorite Credera Memory: My interview with Rob Borrego 12 years ago. Until that point in the recruiting cycle, I was convinced that Credera was not a good fit for me and by the time I wrapped up with Rob, we were both ready to sign an offer letter written on the back of a cocktail napkin.
Best Advice You’ve Received: Scott Covington once told me that everyone should take more vacations than they can afford. I have been trying to follow that diligently.

Emily Crawford
Dallas, TX
Favorite App: I’m grateful to Waze for helping me avoid traffic delays and to Unroll.Me for reducing clutter in my personal email inbox.
Passions Outside of Work: Volleyball, the lake, service, and two-stepping with my husband to name a few of my favs!
Favorite Sports Teams: I grew up in Dallas, cheering for the Cowboys, Mavs, Rangers, and Stars. Favorite players over the years have included: Jason Witten, Dirk Nowitzki, “J. J.” Barea, “Pudge” Rodríguez, and Mike Modano. Now, as the wife of a Trinity Christian Academy varsity football coach, I spend most of my fall Friday nights at high school games cheering for the TCA Trojans!
Favorite Book: Mere Christianity, it’s been a really good read for me this year.
Office Music Playlist: Primarily country from the 70’s 80’s and 90’s and some of today’s Texas & Red Dirt country.
Favorite Credera Memory: It’s a little bittersweet, but during my first 3 months at Credera, my husband and I’s apartment caught on fire while we were out of town. As we were finding a new place to live, sorting out what was salvageable, and trying to clean up, I was without proper work clothes for several weeks. My project team presented me with a gift card to cover several new items so I could feel like myself again during a hectic time. I’ll never forget it!
How You’ve Seen the Core Values Lived Out: In my second year as a consultant, I was running an initiative with a tight timeline. I’ll never forget when a Vice President at Credera sincerely offered to complete hours of busy work for me – I’m talking data entry kind of work. #humility

Mallory Spell
Dallas, TX
Favorite App: EveryDollar. This is my budget app and helps simplify my whole life. It’s like Dave Ramsey’s “envelope” system, where you allot a certain dollar amount to different categories, and once the budget is up in that area, you don’t allow yourself to spend any more until the next month. It has actually freed me up to feel like I can spend more without any guilt since I have the money budgeted.
Personal Goals: I’ve currently been to 44 of the 50 states, and my goal is to visit them all. Growing up, my parents took us on long summer road trips each year, and never to the same place. I love seeing the different cultures and beauty throughout the US and can’t wait to check off the last few states on my list! Because I’m sure you’re curious which ones I have left: Washington, Oregon, Alaska, Hawaii, Vermont, and North Dakota.
Office Music Playlist: My daily playlist ranges from Ben Rector to Josh Garrels to any show tunes (with the Wicked soundtrack holding the top spot), depending on the time of day if I want something soft or more upbeat. Ben Rector did just release his new album “Magic,” so that is currently on repeat for me.
Passion Outside of Work: Young Life. I am a leader at a local high school and absolutely love the time I get to spend pouring into high school girls. They crave adults in their life, outside of their parents, who care about them and I’m grateful to step in and build relationships with them while sharing God’s love for them.
Favorite Credera Memory: It’s difficult to choose just one favorite memory, but one that stands out is when the Corporate team went to the Dallas Arboretum for the summer concert series. Spouses/dates and families were encouraged to join, and we brought picnic food and drinks. The music was awesome, and the company was even better. It was such a fun night!
Mentorship Experience: My mentor (Sarah Youngblood) is more of a friend who I look up to. We are on the same team and work closely together, which allows for constant communication. We also schedule regular lunches to get away from the office and talk more in depth, but I value her input in my life every day. It is clear to me that she values my success both in my work at Credera and personally, and I don’t take that for granted.
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