

Dec 04, 2018

Rebuilding Together

Dana Smith
Michael Grube

Dana Smith and Michael Grube

Rebuilding Together

A few months ago, we had the opportunity to attend Credera’s fifth build day with Rebuilding Together Houston. This nonprofit organization focuses on repairing homes for low-income and elderly homeowners. Over the past year, Credera has dedicated time, energy, and resources to giving back to our community through this partnership. Over four days, teams across our three office locations—Dallas, Denver, and Houston—have been working on rebuilding two homes. By day five, it was inspiring to see the progress that the previous Credera teams had made on the home we arrived at. It was an especially humbling weekend to continue repairing these homes, as it was also the one-year anniversary of Hurricane Harvey’s landfall on Houston.


Seeing Credera employees from all over gather in Houston showed us what “shared values” truly means. It was refreshing to see Credera team members live out our core values first-hand—all together in a single place as we made Hurricane Harvey relief efforts our 2017-2018 service focus.

This commitment shows Credera’s willingness to represent its core values of integrity and service—despite the challenges it posed for the firm. The consulting revenue model is driven by hours logged on client work, but faced with a crisis in Houston, a place many Credera staff call home, a year-long promise of weekday builds was made. The choice to put community first is one of many reasons why Credera’s culture feels like family.

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Michael’s Account

I received an email about joining the August Rebuilding Houston Together service day before I even started my first day of work at Credera. After spending last summer working in Houston and leaving on the heels of Hurricane Harvey, I jumped at the opportunity to help rebuild the community. Arriving at the build day after only a few weeks at Credera, I was greeted by faces familiar and new to tackle the day’s project: a fresh coat of paint on the house.

Painting might conjure up a rather lackadaisical image, but we quickly discovered it was anything but easy. We split up with paint scrapers and ladders and began scratching at the old, flakey paint clinging determinedly to the exterior of the house in the relentless Texas heat. While the work was physically tiring, it was invigorating to watch the work transform the outside of the house, especially after meeting the man who had been displaced from his home for exactly a year on the day of the build. As the day ended, it looked like the project might have been too ambitious, but everyone rallied together determined to finish what we had started.

Returning to the office, I felt a part of the Credera family for the first time. Yet despite the project’s personal impact, I wondered how my actions had impacted the Houston community at large. I thought of the many other homes like the one we had just painted, still hurting from the devastating effects of Harvey. There are many long days of hammering, scraping, and painting left, and my actions felt small. Ultimately though, change is wrought by many small actions and I’m proud to have been able to play a role with my fellow Credera team members and look forward to the next service day.

Dana’s Account

Hearing about Credera’s build day excited me. One of the reasons I was drawn to Credera was the firm’s dedication to service and investing in the community where it matters. Last year, I was in Houston attending Rice University when Hurricane Harvey hit. Our campus was fortunate, with resources to get through the aftermath of the storm. The city of Houston, however, was a different story; so much of the community, my friends, and families I know were devastated. After the storm, my school closed and many students rallied together to help others.

A year later, it amazes me to see the continuing impact of the Credera Hurricane Harvey relief effort. Working alongside those both affected and not affected by the storm throughout the hot and sweaty build day showed me first-hand how my co-workers exhibit the same core values that we hold at the Credera office. Other Credera teams had worked on the home as well, and seeing the progress furthered the pride I had for our firm. 


The instinct to help is ingrained in the people of Credera. Whether it be a coworker, client, or community member in need, helping is the Credera way. The continued dedication to this ideal can be found in the largest of ways—clearing the way for all three offices to make it to the build in Houston—and in the smallest—refilling the coffee pot after taking the last few drops. It makes going to work a joy, knowing no matter how poorly a day might go, you have family to help get you through it.


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