

Apr 04, 2022

Q&A With Peter Yobo: Geography Lead, Atlanta

Credera Team

Credera Team

Q&A With Peter Yobo: Geography Lead, Atlanta

We sat down with Peter Yobo, the office lead of Credera Atlanta, to learn more about him and his plans for the Credera office in Atlanta. Peter shares what he loves about Atlanta, explains what his perfect Saturday looks like, and opens up about his hopes for the future of the Atlanta office.  

Q&A With Peter Yobo

Tell us about your journey to become the Atlanta office lead for Credera.

I was previously the practice leader for Experience Design at Credera. During the pandemic, my wife and I had our second child and decided to move closer to family for support. We worked with our firm’s leadership to approve a move to Sarasota, Florida. 

During conversations with our leadership, I shared my interest to help our firm increase its presence and reach into the Southeast market. After winning a big account with an Atlanta-based company, it accelerated the need for Credera to have a local presence in Atlanta. Our firm’s leadership tapped me and Olin Moran to step in to lead opening the Atlanta office and it’s been all fun from there. 

What does it look like to lead the Atlanta office remotely? 

Leading the Atlanta office remotely is made possible by having a strong leadership team who is able to provide in market leadership. I commute to Atlanta as much as I can to partner with our team in building relationships in the community and exploring opportunities. 

What excites you most about the future of the Atlanta office? 

Atlanta is such a unique culture with fantastic people, great diversity, and a winning culture (as evidenced by the Braves and the University of Georgia Bulldogs’ recent wins). We as a firm have the opportunity to partner with the amazing people, organizations, and leaders of Atlanta to invest further into growing the city. 

What are your passions outside of work?

Reading, training, and playing basketball.  

What is a personal goal you’re currently working toward?

To become a trusted advisor to business leaders around the world. 

You have a totally free weekend. How are you spending your time? 

Having breakfast as a family, going on an adventure with my kids, hopping in the pool, watching cartoons with my son, riding my bike, then grabbing Jeni’s ice cream as a family.

Peter Yobo
Peter Yobo

Left: Peter and Family. Right: The Credera XD Team.

Tell us a little about your family. 

I am married to Brooke and we have two wonderful children. Barrett will be four years old in April and his sister Hope is a year and a half. 

How would you describe your approach to leadership?

Love. Get to know people as human beings with their unique stories, gifts, and dreams. Then love and champion them. And hopefully they will choose to follow you.

What’s the most important lesson you’ve learned in your career so far?

Time and pressure create diamonds. Show grit during challenging times knowing that over time, things will work out. You, your team, and your company will evolve and grow as a result.

What advice would you give to early career consultants who aspire to have a career like yours?

You bring value because of who you are. Get clear on your skills, your passions, and seek out opportunities where you can use those skills to benefit our clients, our people, and the communities we live in.

Can you tell us more about how you plan to lead and grow this team? 

Trust. We have a strong and dedicated team helping lead the charge. My plan is to trust in the leadership of our entire team. Together we are focused on growing the number of Credera employees in Atlanta, creating relationships in Atlanta that provide us the opportunity to showcase Credera’s capabilities, and winning the trust of Atlanta’s leaders. 

Can you share about a time you made a mistake in your career? How did that change you? 

I have many! The good thing is those moments have helped me grow into a better leader. The most recent was how I led during the COVID-19 pandemic. Out of my desire to ensure business continuity through the pandemic, there were times I prioritized results over the people delivering those results. That is a lesson I have owned and continue to learn from. I am lucky to have teammates that give me feedback and support to continue being the leader I aspire to be. 

What are your top recommendations of things to do in Atlanta? 

I am still learning from my colleagues. Brian Edwards and Olin Moran have the best recommendations, but our team will tell you that Bar Taco is probably my favorite!

What’s your biggest hope for the Atlanta office?

That our people will build the office together and look back years from today with pride in what we have built together—a shining symbol of excellence for our firm and the city of Atlanta. 

Interested in Learning More About Our Atlanta Office?

Are you seeking a career at a great workplace? Consider taking the next step on your professional journey with Credera. Check out our open opportunities, follow us on LinkedIn,  TwitterFacebook, or Instagram, or check out our Atlanta page to learn more about our Atlanta office. 

Learn more about the many Credera offices and incredible leaders around the world. 

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