

May 28, 2020

How Credera Female Leadership Is Investing in Younger Generations

Allie Buckmaster

Allie Buckmaster

How Credera Female Leadership Is Investing in Younger Generations

On Friday, May 8, 2020, the Credera Women’s Network (CWN) hosted our second annual internal panel event featuring a group of female Credera leaders.

CWN is a women’s initiative that provides mentorship and professional development events for the women of Credera. CWN supports the development of leadership skills and provides insight into career advancement while also driving employee engagement by helping employees develop stronger relationships with their peers.

Our theme for 2020 is Be Your Best You: Standing Out & Speaking Up. During this virtual panel, we discussed topics such as authenticity, finding your own inner voice, setting boundaries, and self-careOur panelists shared related insights, challenges, and success stories based on their own experiences and career journeys.



We documented a few of their insights here. We hope they are as valuable to you as they were to us.

When you are worried about making mistakes…

  • “I’m perfectly imperfect. And there’s power to admitting your shortcomings.” – Jen Koide

  • “Be OK with applying grace to yourself… If you feel pressure around what someone else might think, then that’s judgment—and the judgment is their problem, not yours.” – Sandra Beno

  • “Give yourself a break on the decisions you make. Especially if you’re making them with a pure heart. I want to make decisions that I can sleep with at night.” – Christy Park

When giving advice to her younger self…

  • “Take risks early. Be more deliberate about allowing yourself the chance to explore something that wasn’t something that you thought or envisioned in your career path.” – Karen Ridges

When you are working on building confidence…

  • “Age is something that built confidence and resilience. [Your community] is important too, they remind me that as I lead people, I want to be the kind of leader who builds into them and shares that they are good at what they do.” – Sarah Youngblood

When you are considering how to build a strong network…

  • “I encourage you to have allies outside of your immediate workplace. It opens you up to a broad range of industries and perspectives. Having different inputs helps round things out for you as you try to make decisions.” – Karen Ridges

When you are overcoming others looking down on you…

  • ​”[Finding my voice isn’t] only about my voice being heard. It’s about my presence being known.” – Nickoria Johnson

  • “I made sure that I have people in my inner circle that I can talk to, so I don’t take [the criticism/judgment] home and let it [consume] me.” – Stephanie Rivera

We’re so thankful for our panelists for their willingness to share their insight. A special thank you to Nickoria Johnson for moderating the event!


Panels like these happen often at Credera, and personally I am so grateful to be a part of an organization that values developing young talent. I know I speak for all younger females at Credera when I express gratitude for how generous our senior women leaders are with their time and wisdom. I strongly urge more junior talent to reach out to and learn from senior talent whenever you can—they are a treasure trove of insight.

If you’re interested in finding out more about Credera culture or the Credera Women’s Network, visit our About Us page.

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