“Work is about Relationships…about investing in and loving other people,” says Jeff Hewitt, Credera Consultant. This perspective may be considered unique in a world that values the “bottom line” and financial targets. Often, relationships are considered secondary.
Jeff shares his perspective on investing in his colleagues and his family in this inspiring video – Life is Good.
My Day is Full of Investments
“I feel cared for at Credera. I feel loved by the Credera family and leadership. I feel like they really care about my professional and personal growth,” Jeff says. “You are always learning, always growing. Work never gets boring or mundane.”
Like many people, Jeff describes how he prefers a day full of challenging and engaging work. He doesn’t want to go through the motions and start all over again the next day.
Investing in Work Relationships
“I love working with my team. I also enjoy hanging out with them outside of work,” says Jeff. “I value my team members by making sure that they feel like part of a family, part of a team – rather than resources on a project.”
Growing and investing in relationships is a priority for Jeff and Credera. “See members of your team as opportunities to invest. Grow them. [Your teams are not] opportunities to grow your ego and bring you glory. It is the other way around,” says Jeff.
Investing in My Family
In 2011, Jeff and his wife Jessica chose to add to their family by adopting Henry and Hope, a little boy and girl, from Uganda. The Hewitt’s went to Uganda for five weeks to explore that opportunity. “Our other three kids we have are crazy about Henry and Hope.”
“It has been great that the Credera family… supported us through that process – just through loving us well, checking on us, investing in us, making sure we are ok,” says Jeff.
It is obvious that Jeff loves and cares for his family, and that he makes them a priority. “I can do lots of things, but nobody can be a father to my kids like I can. Nobody can be a husband to my wife, but me. I am the only person in the world that is qualified for that job. I am the only person in the world that can do that job.”
Investing in Your Future
Jeff has an invitation for those who fit at Credera. “Come be a part of something that is bigger than yourself. You will be challenged to grow both personally and professionally in a caring environment, and along with people who really care about you.”
Are you filling your days with investments? Think of a time when you’ve deeply invested with others. Often, these can be the most rewarding times of our lives.
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