

Jul 12, 2024

6 ways to lower TCO with your next CMS

Edward Kapuscinski

Edward Kapuscinski

6 ways to lower TCO with your next CMS

Shopping for a new CMS—trying to balance features and functionality with costs—can feel a bit overwhelming. While it might be tempting to merely compare license prices and be done with it, you really should consider a number of other factors, especially if you want to reduce your total cost of ownership (TCO) over the long run.

Here are six ways to lower your TCO with your next CMS:

1. Embrace a composable approach

If your current setup is an all-encompassing, integrated solution, it may be to your advantage to employ a progressive re-platforming strategy rather than replace the entire system at once. This lets you upgrade problematic components quickly while plotting your next moves carefully and distributing development and customization expenses over time. It also keeps you from spending money on things you don’t need or that you already have.

2. Automate where possible

Look for ways to automate operations wherever it seems feasible. The idea here isn’t necessarily to cut total expenses on labor, but rather to cut expenses in this one area, giving team members more time to focus on initiatives that make your company more competitive, such as user experience or customer service.

3. Don’t be held hostage by your history

Just because you’re familiar with a particular platform doesn’t mean it’s the right choice. It’s not always easy, but it’s worth your time—and money—to take a step outside your comfort zone and check out other options that might be a better fit for today’s needs and a more solid platform for tomorrow. If needed, an objective third party, like Credera’s team of experts, can help you determine the best, and most economical, way forward.

And don’t be afraid to dump your digital baggage. You don’t need to include the functionality for that “digital postcard” campaign that was a great success in 2009 in your re-platforming. Think hard about the content and functionality you bring forward.

4. Be realistic about needs and capabilities

Another area to lose the rose-colored glasses is with your team’s abilities. Be realistic in your expectations around what they can—and can’t—do when it comes to implementation and customization. It can cost you in several ways if, in an effort to save money, you end up taking on more than you can handle.

All web teams aren’t scaled to take full advantage of the capabilities modern platforms offer. There’s no sense in investing in a complex, expensive analytics reporting platform implementation if you don’t have an analyst who actually uses it to gain actionable insights.

5. Follow best practices

Don’t try to swim upstream and fight your chosen technology. Set it up the way it’s supposed to be set up, and don’t try to make it something it’s not. (This is where doing your homework and making the right choice upfront comes into play.) You can end up throwing a lot of good money after bad if you don’t follow best practices during implementation.

While we’re on the subject of not wasting money down the road, it’s also best to use standard tools rather than vendor-specific ones, no matter how hard they try to sell them. You want to avoid being locked into a certain vendor to make sure you have flexibility and cost-saving options in the future.

6. Make it easy to use

Low-code/no-code solutions enable marketing teams to create and distribute content themselves, speeding up campaign timelines and providing more engaging experiences. This also saves money and resources by freeing up developers to focus on other maintenance tasks and initiatives.

Additional things to consider

Once you’ve checked all those boxes, here are a few more things to keep in mind as you evaluate your options:

  • The number of sites you’re planning to migrate to the new CMS

  • The amount of training/onboarding required to get your team up to speed

  • Scalable pricing models that allow you to pay only for the features you need

  • Integration capabilities with key tools, such as a customer data platform (CDP), digital asset management (DAM), social media management, and MarTech stack components

  • Being able to use your chosen technology for more than one generation of your site

The bottom line

An objective third party can be a crucial ally in helping you make decisions that will save you money down the road. If you find yourself needing clarity around your options and some guidance in finding the right fit, schedule a call with our platform-agnostic team to talk about your business goals and how you can achieve them while lowering your TCO over the long haul.

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