

Apr 25, 2016

As Iron Sharpens Iron, Crederians Sharpen Crederians

Justin Bell

Justin Bell

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I had lunch last week with one of the Architects in our Digital Practice, Josh Hamit, on his 5th anniversary at Credera. During the lunch I asked him a lot of questions about his experience at Credera the last five years. Josh is a great guy and wonderful consultant. People like Josh are what make Credera great. I later got the idea to highlight some of our employees when they hit big milestones and Josh agreed to share some of his experience in this post.

How did you originally find out about Credera?

I graduated in the summer of 2010 and was running my own small web development company I started while at Baylor. We were making decent money, but it was unpredictable. With the uncertain economy, I wanted something that paid on a more regular basis so that I could reliably payback my student loans. At the same time, I didn’t want to lose any autonomy or slowdown my career growth. So, I looked at Baylor’s upcoming Fall Career Fair company lineup and picked out my top 5. Reading the list, I didn’t know Credera, but my curiosity was piqued when I recognized the latin root “to believe”. The more I researched them online, the more I liked what I saw. When I drove back to Waco for the career fair and met the Crederians in person, they confirmed all of the positive first impressions.

What aspects of the culture or job were attractive to you?  

At Credera, I encountered more role models (people I wanted to be like) per employee than anywhere else I researched. Your first job out of college goes a long way into training your habits. As humans, we tend to involuntarily learn by osmosis. So, I was looking to be immersed amongst people I admired in order to soak up those good characteristics.

employee engagement
employee engagement
How has the company lived up to those expectations over the 5 years you’ve been with Credera?  

Every single teammate on every single project has taught me something to help build me up over the past 5 years. As iron sharpens iron, Crederians sharpen Crederians. Going back 5 years, I never would have imagined growing so quickly in so many different disciplines. I am very grateful to all of my teammates for that.

In addition, I’ve been very pleased with the way conflict has always been handled. Life is messy and conflict naturally arises. But, in my experience, Credera has handled it in an extremely healthy way. The issues are addressed directly and transparently. Whether that has meant making something right with a client, rewriting employee agreements, or restructuring practices and business units – the leadership has always been open and responsive to feedback. It’s often as simple as walking into a partner’s office and having an honest conversation.

What is your favorite part of your job?  

Serving clients with a multi-faceted team by creatively solving tangible industry-sized problems. The scope, depth, and visibility of the challenges we tackle have all been great learning opportunities and a ton of fun.

What advice would you give a new Crederian?  

Whenever you’re working with someone, identify at least one thing they do better than you – and learn all about that thing from that person. Be humble and let them teach you.

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