

Feb 20, 2019

Alexandra Moore Honored With Credera’s 13th Annual Living the Core Values Award

Justin Bell
Ally White

Justin Bell and Ally White

Alexandra Moore Honored With Credera’s 13th Annual Living the Core Values Award

Every year, Credera recognizes an employee with the Living the Core Values Award. This award is presented to an individual who exemplifies the firm’s values of integrity, excellence, professionalism, and humility throughout the year. All Credera team members have the opportunity to nominate a colleague for this award. The previous three winners decide the winner based on the nominations and examples provided.

This year, we are excited to publicly announce Alexandra Moore (Alex) as the winner of the 13th Annual Living the Core Values Award! Alex selflessly serves and brings 110% to everything she does. Whether she is leading her team as director of talent acquisition, rallying the company around diversity and inclusion, or serving the Houston office, Alex exemplifies a true servant leader. Her peers resoundingly agree, Alex has earned this great honor.

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What Alexandra’s Peers Have to Say About Her:

“Everything Alex does—whether it’s client work, talent acquisition related, intra-office, or just personal—is consistent and is always done right. She spins many plates but is also quick to volunteer and help when it’s needed.”

“Any time someone compliments her, she deflects it to her team. She truly believes she accomplishes goals because of everyone she works with. She is also frequently asking us for our input and thoughts, genuinely listening and taking what we say into consideration.”

“I’ve worked with Alex on the Diversity & Inclusion Committee and come to learn how much she truly does for Credera. She not only lives out our core values in everything she does but also leads initiatives to help others do the same.”

“Alex is honest with her team, leaders, and candidates even when she has to have a difficult conversation. She never hesitates to do what is truthful and right, and always lets that guide her even when the situation is difficult.”

“When things go well, you can always count on Alex to give credit away. When something goes wrong, she doesn’t hesitate to take ownership of what happened, and gives her team the benefit of the doubt that they tried their best instead of jumping to conclusions just to find a scapegoat. Her ego never gets in the way of doing what is right. She is a ‘buck stops here’ kind of person who inspires you and makes you want to be better at what you do.”

Alex, thank you for living out the core values at Credera. We are proud to have you as a member of the Credera family! Congratulations!

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