
Leading U.S. Airline

Seven-fold improvement in customer experience with in-flight innovation.

Credera provided strategic leadership and program management, leading a multi-year, $47 million in-flight entertainment and connectivity solution for a leading U.S. airline, resulting in enhanced customer experience and significant cost savings​.

At a Glance

A leading U.S. airline was in search of strategic program leadership and execution management of a $47 million in-flight entertainment and connectivity solution. Credera conducted strategic planning and defined a program management process and structure to drive implementation and lead execution across engineering, technology, marketing, and vendor-delivery work streams. The result included a seven-fold improvement in the in-flight customer experience through increased bandwidth capabilities across the fleet and lowered costs by a cumulative 10-year, $76 million cost savings as compared to the previously implemented in-flight entertainment and communication (IFEC) solution.

The Challenge

Rising to customer expectations by increasing in-flight customer experience.

A leading U.S. airline engaged Credera to provide strategic program leadership and manage the execution of the resulting multi-million-dollar, multi-year program. To satisfy rising customer demand and remain competitive within the evolving in-flight entertainment and connectivity space, the leading U.S. airline embarked on a strategic initiative to implement a new, multi-vendor satellite solution that would increase the in-flight bandwidth and customer experience across the entire fleet.

The Solution

Teamwork and coordination paved the way for lower costs and improved customer experience.

Credera and the leading U.S. airline worked together to create a program strategy and business case to deliver a better in-flight experience:

  • Collaborated with the chief marketing officer to provide leadership in program strategy and developed a socialized business case to gain executive approval of the program​.

  • Conducted strategic planning to establish clearly defined program management processes and structure to drive implementation and to serve as a foundational template for the airline’s enterprise-wide programs to come​.

  • Identified impacted teams, critical path processes, and workstream requirements by leading working sessions and interviewing stakeholders across the enterprise​.

  • Led execution across engineering, technology, marketing, and vendor delivery workstreams and led cross-coordination across program management disciplines.

  • Managed program financials and variance reporting across all relevant cost centers​.

The Results

Lowered costs by $76 million and improved customer experience by seven-fold.

Through the partnership, teams achieved better customer experiences, increased adaptability for employees, and adopted program management practices that will continue into the future.


Improved in-flight customer experience seven-fold through increased bandwidth capabilities across the fleet​.


Increased contractual and technological flexibility, allowing the business to adapt quickly to IFEC trends and changing customer needs.


Cumulative 10 year $76 million cost savings as compared to the previously implemented IFEC solution​.


Improved vendor accountability and performance through robust vendor management processes including real-time in-service monitoring and performance data integration​.


Established program management approach for implementation in future enterprise programs.

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